Sometimes i surf thru the net checking all of these “Celebrity Sunglasses Sites” just to check who is wearing some vintage stuff or wich company steals designs from old shades and than im wondering, why do those site sometimes take a pic of a celeb and tell me the name of the frame even if the frame dosent even look like the frame they name?
I hope you got me!?
For example:
Brad Pitt wears many shades when his in public, some are vintage some are new, some i never can find out what it is, but, in one case a site named (i really like the site), tells me that Mr. Pitt is wearing a Tom Ford Pablo even if a blind man can see that the Frame on his nose isent even looking like the frame they try to sell.
Just see for your self:
Dose are the Tom Ford PabloDo you think those two frames are the same!!! NEVER!!! The funny part is that this kind of mistake brings me to another thnig i was wondering. How can it be that some Frames today realy looks like a copy from the past.
Ok, there are some great companys around and to use a desgin from the 70′s, 80′s or even the 90′s to be inspired and to creat a cool vintage looking frame is ok, but to just steal a great shape its really not ok.
Im saying that, cause some do and i dont know what brand the shades on Brads nose are but when they are new (if you know it please let me know and dont try to tell me its a Tom For Pablo), they are just a copy of a Metzler SportVision from the 80′s Made in West Germany.
I already showed that frame on my blog but i thought i post it again that you can compare them to the other frame.
What do you think, they look really familir to me.
Im gone post once in a while the one or the other mistakes and copycats on my blog. I would be happy if you let me know what you think about all of that.
Thanks for the visit